Borough Council:
Homestead Borough Council is a body of seven elected officials. There are two officials from each of Homestead’s three wards, plus one at-large member. Council members create a structure by nominating and electing a President and Vice President. The Council President is responsible for presiding over Council meetings, establishing committees, and appointing committee chairs. The Vice-President, who presides over Council meetings in the absence of the President.
Council is to serve as civilian oversight of all activities of the Homestead meaning they are responsible for approving policy, passing ordinances, voting appropriations, approving all personnel decisions, and establishing and maintaining the Borough’s budget. Council also works with Pennsylvania and Allegheny County officials to stimulate economic development and growth.
Council members serve four-year terms, with no limitation on the number of terms served. Elections occur every other year on odd-numbered years, so the next election will be in 2025. Each election year, four or five seats on Council are open to voting. The rotation of seats ensures that there are always experienced representatives serving on Council.
Council meets the second and third Thursdays of every month. The second Thursday of the month is the working session where Council discusses items to be placed on the agenda of the Legislative meeting. No voting takes place at this meeting. The third Thursday of the month is the legislative session where Council takes action and votes on the agenda items. The agenda for the Legislative session is posted no later than 24 hours before the meeting on Thursday. The public is always welcomed at all meetings. Public comment is held before the discussion on items that are listed on the agenda and after the agenda for items that are not on the agenda.
Borough Council Meetings
Please browse agendas for upcoming Council meetings and minutes from previous meetings. Homestead Borough Council holds Caucus meetings the second Thursday of each month and Legislative meetings are the third Thursday each month. Caucus meetings start at 5PM and Legislative meetings start at 6PM., meetings are located at the Council Chambers.
Committee meetings are held separately. Details can be found on our Committees page.
2021 Borough of Homestead Committees of Council
Homestead Borough Council Members:
- Lloyd Cunningham, Council President
- Mary Nesby, Council Vice President
- DeVaughn Baker
- Minister Connie Burwell
- Jou-Al Burwell
- Duane Schulte
- Henry White
- Mayor, John Burwell
Meeting Agendas and Minutes are available on our Meetings & Agendas page.
Lloyd Cunningham, Council President
Honesty & Accountability
I have been active in our boroughs since I was 16 years old. After returning from the Army in 1974 I got involved. I was concerned with the issues in my town that affects everyone whether social or governmental.
Mary Nesby, Council Vice President
Bridging the Gap
Mary is the proud mother of three sons and has dedicated her life to helping her children and many of the families in her community to navigate, deal and cope in our society.
Ms. Nesby was re-elected for her second term in office this past election, Mary’s first priorities was to change the composition of the borough council strategically handpicking fellow members of the Homestead Council to maintain integrity, accountability and leadership ensuring public trust.
Councilwoman DeVaughn Baker
Councilwomen Connie Burwell
Catalyst for Change
I have been a lifelong resident of Homestead. I am serving in my second term on council. I’m one who’s here as a catalyst for change within the community & wanting to see the borough progress.
Councilwomen Jou’AL Burwell
Fresh Voice for Change
I am a wife, mother, and a longtime resident of Homestead. I am a fresh voice for change. I look forward to being a part of the change I hope to see.
Councilman Duane Schulte
Development and Community Engagement
As a thirty plus year volunteer for our Borough, I wanted to extend myself a bit further by joining council. I wanted to promote business development, community engagement, and fairness for all citizens and youth within the workings of local government.
Councilman Henry White
"Fighting for the People."
I am a Married, Father of 5 children. Retired Paramedic and Former Volunteer Firefighter, who really cares about the residents and the Borough of Homestead.
I will listen to your concerns and fight to make this a better community for you.
If you have concerns or issues that need addressed do not hesitate to reach out.