The departments of Police, Fire, and Public Works are dedicated to the safety and well being of every Homestead Borough resident and visitor. Our public safety and public works officials work tirelessly to ensure that Homestead enjoys a low crime rate, good emergency response, and a well-maintained infrastructure.

Public Safety – Police and Fire Departments

The Homestead Police Department and Volunteer Fire Department oversee public safety.

Munhall Area Prehospital Services provide ambulance and emergency medical care to the Borough.

In an emergency, please dial 911

Public Works

In Homestead Borough, the Public Works Department is in charge of maintaining the Borough’s roads, parks, and playgrounds.  Learn more about the Public Works Department.

Parking Department

The Parking Department is in charge of maintaining the Borough’s Parking Meters and enforcing the parking regulations within the Borough.

Finance Department

The Finance Department is responsible for all fiscal and budgetary concerns and needs of the Borough.

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