Homestead Borough is growing, renovating, and laying the ground work for a business renaissance. We are ready and able to provide support for companies of all sizes that make our community their home. Homestead has always been a place where hardworking people come to live and work, and our business district is currently undergoing a resurgence that reflects our history and illuminates our future.
Whether you’re considering moving your business, starting a new business, or you are currently doing business in Homestead Borough, we have the resources to help.
With the talent and passion that you bring to your business and the reliable support you’ll find from our management and administration, we look forward to working with you to grow your business and grow Homestead Borough.
Here you will find information on:
Historic Homestead Borough is seated just minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh and is easily accessible from Port Authority bus lines. Homestead has the advantage of having available commercial space to lease or own that is much more cost-effective than similar spaces in the City of Pittsburgh. We invite you to visit Homestead Borough if you haven’t been here in a while. See what’s new, and discover where we are going.
We look forward to doing business with you.
Visit The Avenues Website for further information on happenings in the Business District.